Stewart Ellis Pro Series SE710L alttosaksofoni
Pakettiin kuuluu:
- Steward Ellis Pro series alttosaksofoni
- Suukappale
- Lehdenkiristin
- Suukappaleen suojus
- Kaulahihna
- Kuljetuslaukku, reppuhihnoilla
- ESITE: file:///C:/Users/sante/Downloads/SE_brochure_2013(web)-1.pdf
- yellow brass lacquer
- Eb alto saxophone
- front F and high F# keys
- double action table key
- detachable, engraved bell
- metal O-ring
- pivot screw
- key fine adjusting screws
- Luciano Pisoni pads with metal resonators
- distinctive underslung octave key mechanism
- double arm low B and C keys
- softcase